Annual Trophies

Annual Club Trophies

2024 Trophy Winners 

Winners are recognized each year during the annual Silver Sailfish Derby awards ceremony.

Past Nora Winners 

Presented in memory of James P. Nora 

Presented annually to the member of the West Palm Beach Fishing Club (WPBFC) who catches the heaviest snook within Florida.

Competition runs from January 1 through December 31 each year. To enter a fish for the Nora Award snook may be weighed on an officially certified land based scale or hand scale (weighing fish in a boat is permitted). Hand scale entries will be accepted providing the catch and weighing is witnessed, and the scale used is recertified by the WPBFC within 14 days of the catch. Anglers are required to weigh entries for the Nora Award in a horizontal orientation, and encouraged to use a WPBFC snook sling when weighing any snook that will be released. Anglers must also complete an official WPBFC catch affidavit entry form. Fish must be caught and landed on rod and reel in an ethical manner.

Entries will be accepted during open and closed seasons providing all criteria for entry has been met.

Tracy Schneider Memorial Trophy winner

Past Schneider Winners 

Presented in memory of Tracy Schneider  

Presented annually to the member of the WPBFC who scores the highest number of sailfish release points in Florida waters.

Scoring for the Schneider Trophy will be 100 points for sailfish caught on live bait, 300 points for sailfish caught on dead bait (which includes lure/natural bait combinations), 500 points for sailfish caught on pure artificial lures, either trolled or cast and 1,000 points for sailfish caught and released on fly tackle. The competition runs from January 1 through December 31. The member scoring the most points during the calendar year will win. No line class restrictions apply. Ties will be determined by each angler’s total number of release points divided by the total number of sailfish caught and released. The highest point value will determine the winner.

Trophy winners must score a minimum of 2000 points in a calendar year to qualify, and are only allowed to win the Schneider Award once during any three consecutive year period. To enter sailfish releases for the Schneider Trophy, anglers must submit an official WPBFC catch affidavit entry form.

Schneider Trophy recipients will be awarded a commemorative award and their name will be added to the prestigious perpetual Tracy Schneider Memorial Sailfish Trophy created by world-renowned sculptor C.R. Buck. The trophy is on public display at the WPBFC and is presented each year during the Annual Silver Sailfish Derby awards ceremony.Past Schneider Winners

Richard S. Beinecke Atlantic Blue Marlin Trophy

Past Beinecke Winners 

Presented in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Beinecke 

Presented annually to the member of the WPBFC scoring the highest total points for blue marlin releases in Florida and the Bahamas.

Scoring for the Beinecke Award will be compiled as follows: 100 points will be awarded to any angler releasing a blue marlin anywhere off the Bahama Islands; 300 points will be awarded to anglers releasing a blue marlin off Florida. Each year competition runs from January 1 through December 31. The member scoring the most points during the calendar year will win. Ties will be determined by time and estimated weight if necessary. To enter blue marlin releases anglers must complete an official WPBFC catch affidavit entry form. Trophy winners must score a minimum of 300 points to qualify.

Each Beinecke award recipient will receive a commemorative trophy. Their name will also be placed on the Perpetual Beinecke Blue Marlin Trophy, created by sculptor Bruce Hanners, displayed at the WPBFC.

Trophy winners are recognized each year during the Annual Silver Sailfish Derby awards ceremony.

The Donald S. Leas, III International Angling Trophy

Past Leas Winners 

Presented in memory of Donald Stewart Leas III  

An annual award presented to the member of the WPBFC who makes the most outstanding catch(es) in international waters (and/or including Hawaii & Alaska).

Competition runs from January 1 through December 31 each year. All varieties of freshwater and saltwater game fish are eligible whether boated or released. Anglers must submit entries on an official WPBFC catch affidavit entry form no later than 30 days after the catch is made and no later than the day after the end of competition (January 2nd). All fish must be caught on rod and reel in an ethical manner. Members of the WPBFC Angling Committee will review all entries and determine the winner based upon angling skill, precedent and accomplishment. Individual catches, as well as combined catches, will be considered.

Trophy winners are only allowed to win this award once during any three consecutive year period. Each winner will be awarded a special commemorative award and their names will be added to the perpetual International Angling Trophy, ‘The Loving Cup’ that is on public display at the WPBFC clubhouse. The trophy is presented in loving memory of past WPBFC member Donald Stewart Leas III by brothers Rodman Wanamaker-Leas and John Wanamaker-Leas and is presented each year during the annual Silver Sailfish Derby awards ceremony.

The Richard Jeck Memorial Billfish Tagging Trophy

Past Jeck Winners 

Presented in memory of Richard “Scrambler Dick” Jeck 

An award presented to the member of the WPBFC who tags the most billfish, including swordfish, off Florida and the Bahamas each calendar year.

Competition runs annually from January 1 through December 31. To be eligible, award candidates must use approved Billfish Foundation or National Marine Fisheries Service tags. Anglers must submit entries on an official WPBFC catch affidavit entry form no later than 14 days after the catch is made and no later than (January 1st). All fish must be caught on rod and reel in an ethical manner. Trophy winners must tag a minimum of 20 fish during the calendar year. Winners will be awarded a special commemorative award and their name will be added to the prestigious perpetual Billfish Tagging Champion Trophy on display at the WPBFC.