in Cash Awards and more than $30,000 in valuable raffle items & trophies $34,000 Tournament Proudly Presented by: First 200 boats to register receive awesome KDW Boat Bucket!! Saturday - June 4th, 2016 The One KDW Fishing Tournament You Can’t Afford to Miss! • Guaranteed Cash Payouts...even if fishing is cancelled due to weather! • Family Friendly, with plenty of Junior Angler Awards Visit us online at for tournamament rules & details • Three Inlet Departure • A Total of 59 Cash Prizes Up For Grabs.... • Huge Tournament Raffle • Lots of Ways to Win - even for the novice! $275.00 for all boats registering after May 20, 2016 *Entry fee includes two (2) tournament tee shirts, two (2) awards ceremony dinner tickets, entry into jackpot drawings and official boat number. The first 200 boats to register will receive a captain’s incentive bucket containing useful fishing tackle & promotional items. Registrant’s Name: Address: City,St: Zip: Email: Phone: Boat Name: Boat Size & Make: *for official use only Boat No. 2016 Official Tournament Entry Form ** Sorry, No raiNcheckS or refuNdS ** Return this form to: KDW Entry, P.O. Box 468, WPB, FL 33402 or fax to (561) 832-2137 • for more info call (561) 832-6780 VISA/MC Exp. Date SIGNATURE: Check (payable to: West Palm Beach Fishing Club) Total tournament tee shirts requested: (2 tees are included w/ entry - additional tees are $18, XXL & XXXL are $20) Please specify size(s): S___ M___ L___ XL___ XXL___XXXL___ Shirt sizes are not guaranteed unless entries are received by May 16, 2016. Total Quantity: _______ KDW Entry Fee: $ Add’l. Meal Tkts. @ $10 ea. $ Add’l. Tees @ $18 $ Add’l. Tees @ $20 $ Total: $ (S,M,L & XL) As indicated by signature above, I understand that participants of the Palm Beach County KDW Classic enter at their own risk. By entering, I agree that the PBCFF, WPBFC, the City of Riviera Beach, sponsors, committee members & all persons connected directly or indirectly with the operation of the tournament shall be exempt from any liability for loss, damage, negligence, harm or injury suffered to any participant,vesselorequipmentwhichmayoccurduringthetournament. Allanglers aboard my boat understand the rules of the tournament & agree to abide by them. (XXL & XXXL) WPBFC Member R. B. Marina Tenant OPC/NPC/NPB Marina PBYC Tenant KDW Classic tournament date: Saturday, June 4th, 2016 $200.00 per boat if paid by May 20, 2016 $175.00 per boat for WPBFC members and tenants of Old & New Port Cove, N.P. Beach, Riviera Bch Marina & P. B. Yacht Center who register by May 20, 2016 AmEx Card # CCV: • Cash Payouts 10 places deep for each eligible species! including: • $1,000 ‘Captain’s Booty’ prize random drawing at the tournament Captain’s Meeting! • $2,000 ‘Hit The Jackpot’ random drawing a the tournament awards party! #kdwclassic